October 11, 2018
by Andrey Filippov
After we coupled the Tile Processor (TP) that performs quad camera image conditioning and produces 2D phase correlation in space-invariant form with the neural network[1], the TP remained the bottleneck of the tandem. While the inferred network uses GPU and produces disparity output in 0.5 sec (more than 80% of this time is used for the data transfer), the TP required tens of seconds to run on CPU as a multithreaded Java application. When converted to run on the GPU, similar operation takes just 0.087 seconds for four 5 MPix images, and it is likely possible to optimize the code farther — this is our first experience with Nvidia® CUDA™.
February 5, 2018
by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Multi-board setup for the TP+CNN prototype
Featured on Image Sensors World
This article describes our next steps that will continue the year-long research on high resolution multi-view stereo for long distance ranging and 3-D reconstruction. We plan to fuse the methods of high resolution images calibration and processing, already emulated functionality of the Tile Processor (TP), RTL code developed for its implementation and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Compared to the CNN alone this approach promises over a hundred times reduction in the number of input features without sacrificing universality of the end-to-end processing. The TP part of the system is responsible for the high resolution aspects of the image acquisition (such as optical aberrations correction and image rectification), preserves deep sub-pixel super-resolution using efficient implementation of the 2-D linear transforms. Tile processor is free of any training, only a few hyperparameters define its operation, all the application-specific processing and “decision making” is delegated to the CNN.
August 4, 2019
by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Talon (“instructor/student”) test camera.
Update: arXiv:1911.06975 paper about this project.
This post concludes the series of 3 publications dedicated to the progress of Elphel five-month project funded by a SBIR contract.
After developing and building the prototype camera shown in Figure 1, constructing the pattern for photogrammetric calibration of the thermal cameras (post1), updating the calibration software and calibrating the camera (post2) we recorded camera image sets and processed them offline to evaluate the result depth maps.
The four of the 5MPix visible range camera modules have over 14 times higher resolution than the Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) modules and we used the high resolution depth map as a ground truth for the LWIR modules.
Without machine learning (ML) we received average disparity error of 0.15 pix, trained Deep Neural Network (DNN) reduced the error to 0.077 pix (in both cases errors were calculated after removing 10% outliers, primarily caused by ambiguity on the borders between the foreground and background objects), Table 1 lists this data and provides links to the individual scene results.
For the 160×120 LWIR sensor resolution, 56° horizontal field of view (HFOV) and 150 mm baseline, disparity of one pixel corresponds to 21.4 meters. That means that at 27.8 meters this prototype camera distance error is 10%, proportionally lower for closer ranges. Use of the higher resolution sensors will scale these results – 640×480 and longer baseline of 200 mm (instead of the current 150 mm) will yield 10% accuracy at 150 meters, 56°HFOV.
September 5, 2018
by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Network diagram. One of the tested configurations is shown.
Neural network connected to the output of the Tile Processor (TP) reduced the disparity error twice from the previously used heuristic algorithms. The TP corrects optical aberrations of the high resolution stereo images, rectifies images, and provides 2D correlation outputs that are space-invariant and so can be efficiently processed with the neural network.
What is unique in this project compared to other ML applications for image-based 3D reconstruction is that we deal with extremely long ranges (and still wide field of view), the disparity error reduction means 0.075 pix standard deviation down from 0.15 pix for 5 MPix images.
See also: arXiv:1811.08032
July 21, 2018
by Olga Filippova
In this blog article we will recall the most interesting results of Elphel participation at CVPR 2018 Expo, the conversations we had with visitor’s at the booth, FAQs as well as unusual questions, and what we learned from it. In
addition we will explain our current state of development as well as our near and far goals, and how the exhibition helps to achieve them.
The Expo lasted from June 19-21, and each day had it’s own focus and results, so this article is organized chronologically.
Day One: The best show ever!

June 19, CVPR 2018, booth 132
While we are standing nervously at our booth, thinking: “Is there going to be any interest? Will people come, will they ask questions?”, the first poster session starts and a wave of visitors floods the exhibition floor. Our first guest at the booth spends 30 minutes, knowledgeably inquiring about Elphel’s long-range 3D technology and leaves his business card, saying that he is very impressed. This was a good start of a very busy day full of technical discussions. CVPR is the
first exhibition we have participated in where we did not have any problems explaining our projects.
The most common questions that were asked:
January 8, 2018
by Andrey Filippov
This post continues discussion of the small tile space-variant frequency domain (FD) image processing in the camera, it demonstrates that modulated complex lapped transform (MCLT) of the Bayer mosaic color images requires almost 3 times less computational resources than that of the full RGB color data.
“Small Tile” and “Space Variant”
Why “small tile“? Most camera images have short (up to few pixels) correlation/mutual information span related to the acquisition system properties – optical aberrations cause a single scene object point influence a small area of the sensor pixels. When matching multiple images increase of the window size reduces the lateral (x,y) resolution, so many of the 3d reconstruction algorithms do not use any windows at all, and process every pixel individually. Other limitation on the window size comes from the fact that FD conversions (Fourier and similar) in Cartesian coordinates are shift-invariant, but are sensitive to scale and rotation mismatch. So targeting say 0.1 pixel disparity accuracy the scale mismatch should not cause error accumulation over window width exceeding that value. With 8×8 tiles (16×16 overlapped) acceptable scale mismatch (such as focal length variations) should be under 1%. That tolerance is reasonable, but it can not get much tighter.
What is “space variant“? One of the most universal operations performed in the FD is convolution (also related to correlation) that exploits convolution-multiplication property. Mathematically convolution applies the same operation to each of the points of the source data, so shifted object of the source image produces just a shifted result after convolution. In the physical world it is a close approximation, but not an exact one. Stars imaged by a telescope may have sharper images in the center, but more blurred in the peripheral areas. While close (angularly) stars produce almost the same shape images, the far ones do not. This does not invalidate convolution approach completely, but requires kernel to (smoothly) vary over the input images [1, 2], makes it a space-variant kernel.

Figure 1. Complex Lapped Transform with DCT-IV/DST-IV: time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC) property. a) selection of overlapping input subsequences 2*N-long, multiplication by sine window; b) creating N-long sequences for DCT-IV (left) and DST-IV (right); c) (after frequency domain processing) extending N-long sequence using DCT-IV boundary conditions (DST-IV processing is similar); d) second multiplication by sine window; e) combining partial data
There is another issue related to the space-variant kernels. Fractional pixel shifts are required for multiple steps of the processing: aberration correction (obvious in the case of the lateral chromatic aberration), image rectification before matching that accounts for lens optical distortion, camera orientation mismatch and epipolar geometry transformations. Traditionally it is handled by the image rectification that involves re-sampling of the pixel values for a new grid using some type of the interpolation. This process distorts the signal data and introduces non-linear errors that reduce accuracy of the correlation, that is important for subpixel disparity measurements. Our approach completely eliminates resampling and combines integer pixel shift in the pixel domain and delegates the residual fractional pixel shift (±0.5 pix) to the FD, where it is implemented as a cosine/sine phase rotator. Multiple sources of the required pixel shift are combined for each tile, and then a single phase rotation is performed as a last step of pixel domain to FD conversion.
Frequency Domain Conversion with the Modulated Complex Lapped Transform
Modulated Complex Lapped Transform (MCLT)[3] can be used to split input sequence into overlapping fractions, processed separately and then recombined without block artifacts. Popular application is the signal compression where “processed separately” means compressed by the encoder (may be lossy) and then reconstructed by the decoder. MCLT is similar to the MDCT that is implemented with DCT-IV, but it additionally preserves and allows frequency domain modification of the signal phase. This feature is required for our application (fractional pixel shifts and asymmetrical lens aberrations modify phase), and MCLT includes both MDCT and MDST (that use DCT-IV and DST-IV respectively). For the image processing (2d conversion) four sub-transforms are needed:
- horizontal DCT-IV followed by vertical DCT-IV
- horizontal DST-IV followed by vertical DCT-IV
- horizontal DCT-IV followed by vertical DST-IV
- horizontal DST-IV followed by vertical DST-IV
September 20, 2017
by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Four sensor stereo camera
Four-camera stereo rig prototype is capable of measuring distances thousands times exceeding the camera baseline over wide (60 by 45 degrees) field of view. With 150 mm distance between lenses it provides ranging data at 200 meters with 10% accuracy, production units will have higher accuracy. Initial implementation uses software post-processing, but the core part of the software (tile processor) is designed as FPGA simulation and will be moved to the actual FPGA of the camera for the real time applications.
Scroll down or just hyper-jump to Scene viewer for the links to see example images and reconstructed scenes.
March 20, 2018
by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Dual quad-camera rig mounted on a car
Following the plan laid out in the earlier post we’ve built a camera rig for capturing training/testing image sets. The rig consists of the two quad cameras as shown in Figure 1. Four identical Sensor Front Ends (SFE) 10338E of each camera use 5 MPix MT9P006 image sensors, we will upgrade the cameras to 18 MPix SFE later this year, the circuit boards 103981 are in production now.
September 19, 2016
by Andrey Filippov
Since we started to deliver first NC393 series cameras in May we were working on the cameras software – original version was rather limited. While it was capable of serving images/video over the network and recording them on the internal m.2 SSD, it did not have the advanced image acquisition control (through the GUI and programmatically) that was standard for the earlier NC353 series. Now the core functionality is operational and in a month we plan to have the remaining parts (inter-camera synchronization, working with multiple sensors per-port with
10359 multiplexer, GPS+IMU logging) online too. FPGA code is already ported, but it needs to be tested and a fair amount of troubleshooting, identifying the problems and weeding out the bugs is still left to be done.

Fig 1. Four camvc instances for the four channels of NC393 camera
Users of earlier Elphel cameras can easily recognize familiar camvc web interface – Fig. 1 shows a screenshot of the four instances of this interface controlling 4 sensors of NC393 camera in
“H” configuration.
March 18, 2016
by Andrey Filippov
We added the
AHCI SATA controller Verilog code to the rest of the
camera FPGA project, together they now use 84% of the Zynq slices. Building the FPGA bitstream file requires proprietary tools, but all the simulation can be done with just the Free Software – Icarus Verilog and GTKWave. Unfortunately it is not possible to distribute a complete set of the files needed – our code instantiates a few FPGA primitives (hard-wired modules of the FPGA) that have proprietary license.
Please help us to free the FPGA devices for developers by re-implementing the primitives as Verilog modules under GNU GPLv3+ license – in that case we’ll be able to distribute a complete self-sufficient project. The models do not need to provide accurate timing – in many cases (like in ours) just the functional simulation is quite sufficient (combined with the vendor static timing analysis). Many modules are documented in Xilinx user guides, and you may run both the original and replacement models through the simulation tests in parallel, making sure the outputs produce the same signals. It is possible that such designs can be used as student projects when studying Verilog.
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