Recent Code Progress
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Last 10 GIT code changes sorted by commit-time:
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (e43d01e8) at 09 Dec 01:26 Implemented new version of combining of segments
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (7c77ddba) at 07 Dec 21:11 modifying parameters input
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (214f7e87) at 03 Dec 20:03 Working snapshot before implementing pull to average terrain temper…
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (7739a5cb) at 26 Nov 06:32 Working snapshot, will try to improve matching scenes from different
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (883c0212) at 25 Nov 06:33 intermediate, before changing alpha pull
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (1893ac24) at 23 Nov 19:21 Working, before adding low-elevation*alpha losses
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (9a499c0a) at 17 Nov 21:48 working version
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (b3ad74ea) at 08 Nov 21:07 restored loading initial LMA parameters from the previously saved ones
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (a8718162) at 30 Oct 03:34 Working snapshot, good logs
- Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch foliage at Elphel / imagej-elphel Andrey Filippov (5a10b665) at 29 Oct 22:47 Added terrain correction (minimizing average difference between images