March 18, 2016

Free FPGA: Reimplement the primitives models

by Andrey Filippov

We added the AHCI SATA controller Verilog code to the rest of the camera FPGA project, together they now use 84% of the Zynq slices. Building the FPGA bitstream file requires proprietary tools, but all the simulation can be done with just the Free Software – Icarus Verilog and GTKWave. Unfortunately it is not possible to distribute a complete set of the files needed – our code instantiates a few FPGA primitives (hard-wired modules of the FPGA) that have proprietary license.

Please help us to free the FPGA devices for developers by re-implementing the primitives as Verilog modules under GNU GPLv3+ license – in that case we’ll be able to distribute a complete self-sufficient project. The models do not need to provide accurate timing – in many cases (like in ours) just the functional simulation is quite sufficient (combined with the vendor static timing analysis). Many modules are documented in Xilinx user guides, and you may run both the original and replacement models through the simulation tests in parallel, making sure the outputs produce the same signals. It is possible that such designs can be used as student projects when studying Verilog.

Models we are looking for

The camera project includes more than 200 Verilog files, and it depends on just 29 primitives from the Xilinx simulation library (total number of the files there is 214):

  • BUFG.v
  • BUFH.v
  • BUFIO.v
  • BUFMR.v
  • BUFR.v
  • GLBL.v
  • IBUF.v
  • IBUFDS.v
  • IDELAYE2.v
  • IOBUF.v
  • ISERDESE1.v *
  • MMCME2_ADV.v
  • OBUF.v
  • OBUFT.v
  • ODDR.v
  • OSERDESE1.v *
  • PLLE2_ADV.v
  • PS7.v
  • PULLUP.v
  • RAMB18E1.v
  • RAMB36E1.v

This is just a raw list of the unisims modules referenced in the design, it includes PS7.v – a placeholder model of the ARM processing system, modules for AXI functionality simulation are already included in the project. The implementation is incomplete, but sufficient for the the camera simulation and can be used for other Zynq-based projects. Some primitives are very simple (like DCIRESET), some are much more complex. Two modules (ISERDESE1.v and OSERDESE1.v) in the project are the open-source replacements for the encrypted models of the enhanced hardware in Zynq (ISERDESE2.v and OSERDESE2.v) – we used a simple ifdef wrapper that selects reduced (but sufficient for us) functionality of the earlier open source model for simulation and the current “black box” for synthesis.

The files list above includes all the files we need for our current project, as soon as the Free Software replacement will be available we will be able to distribute the self-sufficient project. Other FPGA development projects may need other primitives, so ideally we would like to see all of the primitives to have free models for simulation.

Why is it important

Elphel is developing high-performance products based on the FPGA desings that we believe are created for Freedom. We share all the code with our users under GNU General Public License version 3 (or later) but the project depends on proprietary tools distributed by vendors who have monopoly on the tools for their silicon.

There are very interesting projects (like icoBOARD) that use smaller devices with completely Free toolchain (Yosys), but the work of those developers is seriously complicated by non-cooperation of the FPGA vendors. I hope that in the future there will be laws that will limit the monopoly of the device manufacturers and require complete documentation for the products they release to the public. There are advanced patent laws that can protect the FPGA manufacturers and their inventions from the competitors, there is no real need for them to fight against their users by hiding the documentation for the products.

Otherwise this secrecy and “Security through Obscurity” will eventually (and rather soon) lead to a very insecure world where all those self-driving cars, “smart homes” will obey not us, but just the “bad credit guys” as the current software malware will get to even deeper hardware level. It is very naive to believe that they (the manufacturers) are ultimate masters and have the complete control of “their” devices of ever growing complexity. Unfortunately they do not realize this and are still living in the 20-th century dreams, treating their users as kids who can only play with “Lego blocks” and believe in powerful Wizards who pretend to know everything.

We use proprietary toolchain for implementation, but exclusively Free tools – for simulation

Our projects require devices that are more advanced than those that already can be programmed with independently designed Free Software tools, so we have to use the proprietary ones. Freeing the simulation seems to be achievable, and we made a step in this direction – made the whole project simulation possible with the Free Software. Working with the HDL code and simulating it takes most part of the FPGA design cycle, in our experience it is 2/3 – 3/4, and only the remaining part involves running the toolchain and test/troubleshoot the hardware. The last step (hardware troubleshooting) can also be done without any proprietary software – we never used any in this project that utilizes most of the Xilinx Zynq FPGA resources. Combination of the Verilog modules and extensible Python programs that run on the target devices proved to be a working and convenient solution that keeps the developer in the full control of the process. These programs read the Verilog header files with parameter definitions to synchronize register and bit fields addresses between the hardware and the software that uses them.

Important role of the device primitives models

Modern FPGA include many hard-wired embedded modules that supplement the uniform “sea of gates” – addition of such modules significantly increases performance of the device while preserves its flexibility. The modules include memory blocks, DSP slices, PLL circuits, serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial converters, programmable delays, high-speed serial transceivers, processor cores and more. Some modules can be automatically extracted by the synthesis software from the source HDL code, but in many cases we have to directly instantiate such primitives in the code, and this code now directly references the device primitives.

The less of the primitives are directly instantiated in the project – the more portable (not tied to a particular FPGA architecture) it is, but in some cases synthesis tools (they are proprietary, so not fixable by the users) incorrectly extract the primitives, in other – the module functionality is very specific to the device and the synthesis tool will not even try to recognize it in the behavioral Verilog code.

Even open source proprietary modules are inconvenient

In earlier days Xilinx was providing all of their primitives models as open source code (but under non-free license), so it was possible to use Free Software tools to simulate the design. But even then it was not so convenient for both our users and ourselves.

It is not possible to distribute the proprietary code with the projects, so our users had to register with the FPGA manufacturer, download the multi-gigabyte software distribution and agree to the specific license terms before they were able to extract those primitives models missing from our project repository. The software license includes the requirement to install mandatory spyware that you give a permission to transfer your files to the manufacturer – this may be unacceptable for many of our users.

It is also inconvenient for ourselves. The primitives models provided by the manufacturer sometimes have problems – either do not match the actual hardware or lack full compatibility with the simulator programs we use. In such cases we were providing patches that can be applied to the code provided by the manufacturer. If Xilinx kept them in a public Git repository, we could base our patches on particular tags or commits, but it is not the case and the manufacturer/software provider preserves the right to change the distributed files at any time without notice. So we have to update the patches to maintain the simulation working even we did not change a single line in the code.

Encrippled modules are unacceptable

When I started working on the FPGA design for Zynq I was surprised to notice that Xilinx abandoned a practice to provide the source code for the simulation models for the device primitives. The new versions of the older primitives (such as ISERDESE2.v and OSERDESE2.v instead of the previous ISERDESE1.v and OSERDESE1.v) now come in encrippled (crippled by encryption) form while they were open-sourced before. And it is likely this alarming tendency will continue – many proprietary vendors are hiding the source code just because they are not so proud about its quality and can not resist a temptation to encrypt it instead of removing the obsolete statements and updating the code to the modern standards.

Such code is not just inconvenient, it is completely unacceptable for our design process. The first obvious reason is that it is not compatible with the most important development tool – a simulator. Xilinx provides decryption keys to trusted vendors of proprietary simulators and I do not have plans to abandon my choice of the tool just because the FPGA manufacturer prefers a different one.

Personally I would not use any “black boxes” even if Icarus supported them – the nature of the FPGA design is already rather complex to spend any extra time of your life on guessing – why this “black box” behaves differently than expected. And all the “black boxes” and “wizards” are always limited and do not 100% match the real hardware. That is normal, when they cover most of the cases and you have the ability to peek inside when something goes wrong, so you can isolate the bug and (if it is actually a bug of the model – not your code) report it precisely and find the solution with the manufacturer support. Reporting problems in a form “my design does not work with your black box” is rather useless even when you provide all your code – it will be a difficult task for the support team to troubleshoot a mixture of your and their code – something you could do yourself better.

So far we used two different solutions to handle encrypted modules. In one case when the older non-crippled model was available we just used the older version for the new hardware, the other one required complete re-implementation of the GTX serial transceiver model. The current code has many limitations even with its 3000+ lines of code, but it proved to be sufficient for the SATA controller development.

Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7

GNU General Public License Version 3 offers a tool to apply the license in a still “grey area” of the FPGA code. When we were using earlier GPLv2 for the FPGA projects we realized that it was more a statement of intentions than a binding license – FPGA bitstream as well as the simulation inevitably combined free and proprietary components. It was OK for us as the copyright holders, but would make it impossible for others to distribute their derivative projects in a GPL-compliant way. Version 3 has a Section 7 that can be used to give the permission for distribution of the derivative projects that depend on non-free components that are still needed to:

  1. generate a bitstream (equivalent to a software “binary”) file and
  2. simulate the design with Free Software tools

The GPL requirement to provide other components under the same license terms when distributing the combined work remains in force – it is not possible to mix this code with any other non-free code. The following is our wording of the additional permission as included in every Verilog file header in Elphel FPGA projects.

Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
with independent modules provided by the FPGA vendor only (this permission
does not extend to any 3-rd party modules, "soft cores" or macros) under
different license terms solely for the purpose of generating binary "bitstream"
files and/or simulating the code, the copyright holders of this Program give
you the right to distribute the covered work without those independent modules
as long as the source code for them is available from the FPGA vendor free of
charge, and there is no dependence on any encrypted modules for simulating of
the combined code. This permission applies to you if the distributed code
contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
with at least one of the Free Software programs.

Available documentation for Xilinx FPGA primitives

Xilinx has User Guides files available for download on their web site, some of the following links include release version and may change in the future. These files provide valuable information needed to re-implement the simulation models.

  • UG953 Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Libraries Guide lists all the primitives, their I/O ports and attributes
  • UG474 7 Series FPGAs Configurable Logic Block has description of the CLB primitives
  • UG473 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources has description for Block RAM modules, ports, attributes and operation of these modules
  • UG472 7 Series FPGAs Clocking Resources provides information for the clock buffering (BUF*) primitives and clock management tiles – MMCM and PLL primitives of the library
  • UG471 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources covers advanced I/O primitives, including DCI, programmable I/O delays elements and serializers/deserializers, I/O FIFO elements
  • UG476 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers is dedicated to the high speed serial transceivers. Simulation models for these modules are partially re-implemented for use in AHCI SATA Controller.

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