October 27, 2010


by Stefan de Konink

I have made some progress to integrate OpenLayers with EyesisPlayer resulting in EyesisMaps. Marek has added some Javascript callbacks to EyesisPlayer to allow features on OpenLayers to be updated and visa versa. So we gained a moveable arrow and interface directly with a PostgreSQL database via FeatureServer.

While still polishing it; but you can see the sneak preview:

October 5, 2010

Elphel at Utah Open Source Conference 2010

by Olga Filippova

Elphel will participate in the UTOSC, October 7-9, 2010, with a presentation on October 8, at 11:30 am.
Free and Open Source software is still more common then Open Hardware and we would like to discuss our experience in designing and manufacturing high performance network digital cameras and the benefits of Open Hardware development.

In our presentation we will talk about:

  • Benefits of being Open Hardware company from the business point of view.
  • Pros and cons of developing a High Performance Open Hardware.
  • Camera as a development platform. Easy customizable software (HTML, JavaScript, PHP) and firmware (Verilog HDL) allows modifying cameras to specific applications.
  • Reconfigurable nature of hardware  designed as a set of high-performance building blocks ready for a variety of configurations.
  • Examples of applications.
  • Future developements.
  • Collaboration with Open Source community.

Please come join us for presentation and in our booth at UTOSC

October 4, 2010

Elphel participation in Russian Open-Source Hardware /mini-conference/

by Olga Filippova

On October 2, 2010 Elphel had participated (remotely) in Russian Open-Source Hardware /mini-conference/ that took place in Saint-Petersburg. Full list of the projects presented are published in Russian

We were also invited and talked about the benefits of Open Hardware for our business, that we have experienced over the 9 years of existence.

The slides from the conference are available on the slideshare site of conference organizer, Alexander Chemeris

We participated over the phone, after an unsuccessful attempt to do video via Ekiga (did not have time to set it up properly), and we don’t use Skype; but at least the sound quality was good. We also had the pleasure to see other presentations, live, on the upstream.tv  most of them in Russian,  and some in English, like presentation from Arduino and Bruce Perens.

The presentations were very informative and we hope they will be uploaded on upstream.tv since we were getting ready to our talk and could only glance at the others.