Photogrammetric Calibration of the Quad Thermal Camera
We’ve got the first results of the photogrammetric calibration of the composite (visible+LWIR) Talon camera described int the previous post and tested the new pattern. In the first experiments with the new software code we’ve got average reprojection error for LWIR of 0.067 pix, while the visible quad camera subsystem was calibrated down to 0.036 pix. In the process of calibration we acquired 3 sequences of 8-frame (4 visible + 4 LWIR) image sets, 60 sets from each of the 3 camera positions: 7.4m from the target on the target center line, and 2 side views from 4.5m from the target and 2.2 m right and left from the center line. From each position camera axis was scanned in the range of ±40° horizontally and ±25° vertically.