September 5, 2018

Neural network doubled effective baseline of the stereo camera

by Andrey Filippov

Figure 1. Network diagram

Figure 1. Network diagram. One of the tested configurations is shown.

Neural network connected to the output of the Tile Processor (TP) reduced the disparity error twice from the previously used heuristic algorithms. The TP corrects optical aberrations of the high resolution stereo images, rectifies images, and provides 2D correlation outputs that are space-invariant and so can be efficiently processed with the neural network.

What is unique in this project compared to other ML applications for image-based 3D reconstruction is that we deal with extremely long ranges (and still wide field of view), the disparity error reduction means 0.075 pix standard deviation down from 0.15 pix for 5 MPix images.

See also: arXiv:1811.08032
