Capturing Aircraft Position with the Long Range Quad Stereo Camera

Figure 1. Aircraft positions during descent captured with the quad stereo camera. Each animation frame corresponds to the available 3-D model.
While we continue to work on the multi-sensor stereo camera hardware (we plan to double the number of sensors to capture single-exposure HDR image sets) and develop code to get the ground truth data for the CNN training, we had some fun testing the camera for capturing aircraft position in 3-D space. Completely passive method, of course.
We found a suitable spot about 2.5 km from the beginning of the runway 34L of the Salt Lake City international airport (exact location is shown in the model viewer) so approaching aircraft would pass almost over our heads. With the 60°(H)×45°(V) field of view of the camera aircraft are visible when they are 270 m away horizontally.