April 21, 2016

Tutorial 01: Access to Elphel camera documentation from 3D model

by Olga Filippova

We have created a short video tutorial to help our users navigate through 3D models of Elphel cameras. Cameras can be virtually taken apart and put back together which helps to understand the camera configuration and access information about every camera component. Please feel free to comment on the video quality and usefulness, as we are launching a series of tutorials about cameras, software modifications, FPGA development on 10393 camera board, etc. and we would like to receive feedback on them.


In this video we will show how the 3D model of Elphel NC393 camera can be used to view the camera, understand the components it is made of, take it apart and put back together, and get access to each part’s documentation.

The camera model is made using X3Dom technology autogenerated from STEP files used for production.

In your browser you can open the link to one of the camera assemblies from Elphel wiki page:

The buttons on the right list all camera components.

You can click on one of the buttons and the component will be selected on the model. Click again and the part will be selected without the rest of the model.
From here, using the buttons at the bottom of the screen you can open the part in a new window.
Or look for the part on Elphel wiki;
Or hide the part and see the rest of the model;
Eventually you can return to the whole model by clicking on the part button once more, or there is always a reset model button, at the top left corner.

You can also select part by clicking on the part on the model.

To deselect it click again;

Right click removes the part, so you can get access to the insides of the camera.

Once you have selected the part you can look for more information about it on Elphel wiki.

For the selected board you can type the board name in the wiki search and get access to the description about the board, circuit diagram, parts list and PCB layout.

All Elphel software is Free Software and distributed under GNU/GPL license as well as Elphel camera designs are open hardware, distributed under CERN open Hardware license.

2 responses to “Tutorial 01: Access to Elphel camera documentation from 3D model”

  1. Alexandre says:

    Very clear & clever !

    Can I ask you what did you used for screencast and for sub-titles in this video ? I need to make a similar screencast.


  2. olga says:

    Thanks Alexandre, we used Kazam for screencasting, and the player is VideoJS HTML5 player. For subtitles we have used *.vtt file: that is supported by VideoJS, and many other players.

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