December 13, 2017

Assembling Long Range Stereo Camera

by Olga Filippova

MNC393-XCAM parts

MNC393-XCAM partial assembly and parts

The long anticipated parts for the Long range camera have arrived!

The mechanical parts for the MNC393-XCAM – Long Range Multi-view Stereo Camera are machined, tested, and ready to be anodized. This enables us to have the X-camera assembled before the winter holidays. The holiday break will provide a good opportunity to test the camera, capture new photos, and create robust 3D models from calibrated images.
The titanium X-frame of the camera ensures thermal stability required for continuous accuracy of 3D measurements. The aluminum enclosure and sealed lens filters weatherproof the system allowing for the proposed outdoor use of the camera.
We intend to assemble two cameras: one with a 150 mm distance between the sensors and another with a longer baseline. The expected accuracy for the camera with the shorter baseline is greater than 10% at a 200 meter distance. We have achieved 10% accuracy with H-camera with calibrated sensors, even though the 3D-printed parts were not thermally stable and some error was accumulated over time. It was a very pleasant surprise that the software was still able to deal with somewhat un-calibrated images and detect distances very accurately, creating impressive 3D-scenes: Scene_viewer The second camera will have a 280 mm distance between sensors, which is determined by the longest FPC cables we can use without signal losses. It promises to double the measured distance with the same degree of accuracy, therefore an extremely long range 3D-scenes will be produced.

The Long Range Multi-View Stereo Camera with 4 sensors MNC393-XCAM is planned for release in early 2018.

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